CALL N. 01/2018 - Special student

By Coordenação de Pós-graduação PRPG/JATAÍ Updated at 12/10/19 15:47

The Health Applied Sciences Postgraduate Program (PPGCAS) Coordination - Federal University of Goiás Masters Level, Jataí Regional, makes public that the registrations are open for Special Student Selective Process, in the period of 12/03/2018 to 03/16/2018, from Monday to Friday, except holidays, at 08:00am to 11:00am and from 01:00pm to 04:30pm, at the PPGCAS Secretariat or via email ( Further information may be obtained at the PPGCAS Secretariat, located at the Postgraduate Building (prédio da Pós-graduação) of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), Regional Jataí, Campus Jatobá, Cidade Universitária, BR 364, Km 195, n. 3800, Pq. Industrial CEP: 75801-615 – Jataí/Goiás, phone (0xx64) 3606-8331– email:



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