Aviso de edital

Special Student Call - Call 04-2017

The PPGCAS Coordination, publishes the Special Student Call (Call 04-2017) for the subjects that will be offered in the second semester in 2017. The scheduled dates for the enrollment of special students will be between September 22 and 26.



Categories: NOTÍCIAS

Related files Size Archive fingerprint
Edital Aluno Especial Saude 2017-2 177 Kb 2ba248aea3b21aac7e5e2488473fd95e
Errata - Edital 04 - 2017/02 112 Kb a88b759a797b834f58d4b96f4a08ffe9
Homologação das inscrições 282 Kb 17c9f27a74a7a30cacc0a9388bc4500b
Resultado Final das Inscrições Homologadas 274 Kb 596fcc5279a02b5964be556be7ad8f36
Resultado Preliminar - Proceso Seletivo Edital 04- 2017 283 Kb ec6a47c636785c448183bfe18dcdd3a6
Resultado Final Edital 04/2017 - Aluno Especial (disciplinas 2017/02) 265 Kb 4c8f4ecf0bf1758454ebc3addabc8028