Procedures for Qualification Request

By Márcia Rezende Updated at 07/24/20 10:31

Qualification Rules related:


According to Art. 6 of CEPEC Resolution N. 1403 of June 10, 2016, Art. 5 paragraph X, the Qualification Exam is mandatory for the Master.

The student must observe the internal resolution of the program that establishes the general rules for the qualification exam (Internal Resolution PPGCAS N. 01 de 18 de novembro de 2014)

In Art. 52 of CEPEC Resolution N. 1403 of June 10, 2016, it provides that the student who fails the Qualification Exam for the second time in the Qualification Examination will be dismissed from the Program, subject to the right to contradictory and broad defense.


Qualification Application Procedures

Only the advisor may authorize the student to take the Qualification Exam.

  1. The advisor may submit a form (link to the guidelines and application form) to the PPGCAS Administrative Commission requesting a qualification exam of his dissertation. It must contain the student's name, title of the paper to be presented, date, time and examining board. It be within one's control to the advisor and student to determinate the compostion of the qualifying board.
  2. The student should check with the postgraduate general office the room available for the qualification exam, and then the student's responsibility to notify the members of the board the reserved place.
  3. Any change in the qualification date the student must communicate 10 days in advance to avoid impairing the postgraduate logistics.
  4. Upon completion of the qualification, the advisor must deliver the minutes duly signed by the members of the board at the Graduate General Secretariat.
  5. The student must comply with all qualification standards provided for in the specific program resolution.




  1. Qualification Request Form;
  2. Qualification Application Deadline.


 Dissertation models

The dissertation model will be defined by the advisor, in the for application the qualification exam, a term must be delivered, defining which model the student will present to the program.

1 - Paper
2 - Traditional