Teaching Internship

By Márcia Rezende Updated at 04/19/23 10:17

Teaching Internship Definition - General Norms

CAPES, in Circular Letter N. 028 dated 02/26/1999, establishes that the teaching internship for CAPES fellows is mandatory.

The teaching internship regulations were updated by Capes in 2010 with the Social Demand Program Regulations (CAPES Ordinance 76 of April 14, 2010) and included clear guidelines and standards for the internship.


TEACHING INTERNSHIP - (CAPES Ordinance 76 of April 14, 2010)

Art. 18. The teaching internship is an integral part of the postgraduate education, aiming at the preparation for teaching, and the qualification of undergraduate education being mandatory for all fellows of the Social Demand Program, obeying the following criteria:
I - for the program that has both levels, masters and doctorate, the obligation is restricted to the doctorate;
II - for the program that has only the master's level, the compulsory teaching internship will be transferred to the master's degree;
III - Institutions that do not offer undergraduate courses, should associate with other higher education institutions to meet the requirements of the teaching internship;
IV - the teaching internship may be remunerated at the Institution's discretion, forbidden to use funds transferred by CAPES;
V - the minimum duration of the teaching internship will be one semester for the master's degree and two semesters for the doctorate and the maximum duration for the master's degree will be two semesters and three semesters for the doctorate;
VI - The CAPES / DS Scholarship Committee is responsible for recording and evaluating the teaching internship for postgraduate credit purposes, as well as defining the supervision and monitoring of the internship;
VII - the higher education teacher, who proves such activities, will be exempt from the teaching internship;
VIII - the activities of the teaching internship shall be compatible with the research area of ​​the graduate program carried out by the graduate student.
IX - if there is a specific articulation between the education systems agreed by the competent authorities and subject to the other conditions established in this article, the teaching internship in the public high school system will be admitted;
X - The maximum time load of the teaching internship will be 4 hours per week.

Art. 19. The omitted cases will be resolved by CAPES.

The Internal Resolution N.1 of 2017 from PPGCAS, establishes that the teaching internship is mandatory for all scholarship students.

  However, it is recommended that non-fellows also do the subject.

 In our PG program, the student can receive up to 2 credits for the internship:


1. The student decides TOGETHER with the advisor in which discipline to do the internship. It may be a discipline offered by the advisor himself or by any other teacher preferably from PPGCAS;

2. The responsible for the subject and the student should plan the activities of the latter throughout the semester;

3.  The student must enroll in the subject with the PPG in the same semester to which it is being offered in undergraduate;

4. At the end of the semester, the student must deliver the Teaching Internship Report to the responsible professor and send to the PPGCAS secretariat the student's assessment in the subject, informing if approved or disapproved.