Program Goals

By Marcos Lazaro Moreli Updated at 06/05/24 14:48

Program's General Objective

1. Training, improvement, and qualification of graduates in Biomedicine, Biological Sciences, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physics, Physiotherapy, Chemistry, Medicine and related fields;


Program's Specific Objectives

1. Provide scientific and didactic-pedagogical training to health professionals, biological and nature sciences, enabling them, through academic activities and scientific work based on health applied sciences, for the production and dissemination of knowledge and for teaching ;

2. Encourage the development of scientific research through the adequate preparation of researchers, with a practical, interdisciplinary and applied view of the studies carried out;

3. Encourage the development of scientific research through the establishment of national and international research agreements, expanding the exchange and exchange of knowledge in the health area;

4. Train human resources to understand biological elements and processes based on the theoretical and methodological foundations of applied research;

5. Constantly incorporate and update the advances in science and different technologies, as well as enable and enable professionals trained in the program to introduce these advances in management, technical-scientific production, applied research and the proposition of technological innovations or improvements to solve specific problems in the various health sectors;

6. Qualify health professionals to practice advanced and transformative professional practice, aiming to meet social, organizational and labor market demands;

7. Transfer knowledge and technology to society, meeting specific demands and based on national, regional or local development;

8. Promote the integrated articulation between the academic sector and the public and private sectors, aiming to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their activities by solving problems and generating and applying appropriate innovation processes.