Dissertation Defense

By Márcia Rezende Updated at 12/10/19 10:12


Dissertation defense


As provided in RESOLUTION – CEPEC N. 1473

Art. 41 In order to defend the final product, the following requirements must be met:

I. Formal request from the defense advisor, addressed to the Coordinator, filed with the Program Secretariat, signed by both the advisor and the advisor;

II. Passing a Qualifying Exam;

III. Compliance with the determinations regarding scientific production, according to the specified norm:

IV. Payment of the credits required by the Postgraduate Program in Health Applied Sciences.



1 - The advisor may start the defense process via SEI (Guidelines for opening the case).


2 - If requested by the secretary of the program the student will fill out and send to ppgcas.jatai@ufg.br the form with additional data for registration in the institution's systems (Defense Request Form).


3 - All students must have already paid the credits related to complementary activities.

3.1 - Complementary Activities Norms


4 - All students awarded scholarships must have performed the Teaching Internship activity (32h).

4.1 - Norms for the Teaching Internship


Important Notes

 1. Deadline. The benchmust receive the dissertation 30 days in advance. 

 2. Composition of the board. According to the PPGCAS Regulations, the dissertation presented will be judged by an examining committee composed of 3 members, all holding the title of Doctor, including the advisor (who will be the chair of the committee) and at least 1 member outside the program.

 3. Surrogates. The examining committee will have 2 alternate members (in case of dissertation), also holding the title of Doctor, being at least 1 external to the Program;

 4. Co-advisor. The dissertation co-advisor may participate in the committee; however, its name will not be counted for the purposes of paying the minimum number of components mentioned above.

 5. The defense. The defense. The act of defense will take place in public session. The student should make a presentation lasting 30-40 minutes, after which the argument will be made. Each examiner's time of argument shall be 30 minutes, with the candidate having equal time for reply, extendable at the discretion of the chairman. The result of the judgment of each examiner will be expressed by one of two evaluations: “approved” or “disapproved”, being considered approved in defense the candidate who has unanimous approval of all examiners;

 6. Deliver of the final version. The student, after approval in public defense, will have 30 days to send the final version in electronic format (pdf) to the Program Coordination. Then, you must apply for the diploma according to the instructions described in the diplomas menu (link Diplomas Application).

 For further information, the student should contact the office by email, telephone or in person.


 Dissertation models

The dissertation model will be defined by the advisor, in the for application the qualification exam, a term must be delivered, defining which model the student will present to the program.

1 - Paper
2 - Traditional